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Viewing - Jason and the Argonaughts (1963)

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

As a child, I have plenty of memories of sitting down and watching films and shows my parents grew up watching. One of these films was Jason and the Argonaughts, a film my dad let me watch as a child and a film that I still to this day adore.

The story follows the legend of Greek Gods and the story of Jason, travelling the ocean to find a golden fleece to win back his kingdom from a tyrant king back home, the film takes place in multiple locations, using amazing effects and stunning scenery, using ground breaking technology for its time.

Viewing this movie as a child, it was easy to believe that all the creatures, walking skeletons and giants were real, now as an adult, I know better but it still does not take away from the awe it gives me.

The use of stop motion animation and a technique known as Dynamation was used to create scenes that combined real life actors and model creatures. I adore this within the film, the creative use of combining both works gives it a enchanting and exciting feel.

Both the effects of animation and models created for scenes and objects bring this film together in a masterful way. Sculptures and colours down to the costumes and storytelling make it an enjoyable film for both adults and children to gasp over. I would still very happily watch this film over and over again.

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