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BB3 Studio Project

'Ancient Roots'

NTU Year 1 
First project


Join Sue Perkins as she unravels the ancient history of fellow comedians, actors and celebs, chatting about how they came to be as a person alongside their career, having plenty of laughs and things to share along the way. 

Mood boards and Concept

  • Coming up with a theme and colour scheme

  • Relatable to the 16-34 age demographic

  • Late night, relaxed viewing

  • Came up with concept for a cooking show, art show and history based show

  • Cooking show may not be practical

  • Loved the aesthetic of the art show but the concept and colours of the history, so I had them combined to stretch my demographic across all ages.

Bake show moodboard.png
art_gameshow moodboard.png
history art combo moodboard.png
history show moodboard.png

Designing the Set

  • Wanted to create a space that was colourful, fun, yet relevant to the history theming

  • Experimented and tested out ideas of various themed furniture, decided to go a little simpler

  • Bold colour palette for foreground, greener colours for background 

  • Neon is a repeated theme, using the green neon dinosaur from moodboards

  • Experimented with colours with various magazine cuttings, eventually used a sky gradient effect for stage background

studio rough digi.png

Sketch Models 

  • Using various materials to get an idea of the space of my set for my first sketch model

  • Sizing was off for walls and furniture, needed to think more about how many people can fit onto the stage etc

  • Walls needed shortening, think about lighting and layout further

  • Second sketch model felt more fitting as to what I was trying to accomplish

  • Walls fit better to the space, the tree needed shortening however

  • Stage felt bigger and more fitting

  • Lighting needed adjusting and lowered to fit onto screen

  • Furniture to be constructed out of mount and foam board

  • Greenery, use model trees

  • Dinosaur table, toy dinosaur painted and glossed


The Logo / Title


Experimented with fonts and ways of creating it onto the model, using print outs, pencil, pen and painted glue. Used a neon wording font online to link in with my dinosaur logo.

Technical Drawing


Sketch model was created using stencils and measurements of the stage and equipment to be used on set. Needed to label the tree and work on shading for future projects 

Final Piece


I enjoyed designing the set and coming up with a colour scheme that would fit to the wide demographic audience given to us, I feel that I have accomplished this. 

My general idea was to keep my set small and cosy, something not too big or exciting that you can relax and watch in the evening whilst learning something about your favourite celebrities along the way.

In some ways I wish I had been more adventurous with my theme and made my show more like a gameshow with a more exciting set and creative design. However, keeping it small and contained helped me gain more knowledge on how to layout a set and think about spacing for equipment, audiences and health and safety.


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