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Loving Vincent: Based on Fact?

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

With the making of a film based on a real person, the question always arises is that: Is this based on fact? Or fiction?

Whilst watching Loving Vincent, I was reminded back to my research in college on Van Gogh and expressionism and the facts I gathered and learnt on Vincent through my writing an essay. I found many of these elements reflected back into this film, though I also looked into the making of the film, also watching the documentary 'Loving Vincent: The Impossible' which was behind the scenes work of the film and how it came to be.

Perhaps the documentary may be a little bias considering it was also made and told by the people who created the film in the first place, however, they partnered with many different groups and companies, one of these being the Van Gogh Museum, the director of the time (Axel Ruger) approved both the concept AND the script.

Other information and sources used to creating the film:

- Van Gogh's art itself, the style as well as the ratio of the canvas

- Members of the team visited the London Exhibition of Vincent's letters

- History Books / Lessons

- Vincent's letters to his brother Theo

- The Van Gogh Museum was the source of knowledge and information in making this film

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