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Exhibition: Patois Banton

Currently showing at Bonnington Gallery is and exhibition created by the London based artists Cedar Lewisohn. His artwork reflects his views on history in museums and galleries across Britian through the eyes of a person of colour.

The first thing you notice walking into the space is the giant screen in front of you, playing his 'game' of which you can walk virtually through the land of his artwork and in doing so makes it feel like you are walking through a strange, surreal and disturbing landscape.

I noticed the choice of lighting in his exhibition and the choice to place his artwork into giant books on plinths, reminiscent of walking into a museum or even a temple. Bold prints and bright colours shoot out at you when you view the pieces, as if inspired by ancient paintings and languages. The lighting is dimmed around these books however, highlighting the raw and natural textures of the giant wooden blocks used in some of the artists prints.

I found the exhibition inspiring and allowed me to reflect on the affect we have on history, how we tell it, how it is portrayed and has opened my eyes to a new way to view particular styles in art.

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