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Exhibition: Grown up Britain

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

In the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry is currently an exhibition telling the story of over 100 years worth of 'teenage kicks' in Britain. The life of teenagers didn't necessarily seem like an interesting subject on the surface, but upon visiting the exhibition I found it more than interesting!

I could see all the stories my grandparents and mother had told me in these photos, items and images. The life of teenagers spanned across different elements, including revolution and rebellion, leisure and parties, festivals, music, life and even work.

It was amazing to see how these young people carved the way for the young people of the future, shaping music and life and even the way we think. Without these teenagers and the lives they led we wouldn't get the live our lives as we do today, they stood up for rights, for the rights of people, for peace and for the right to be young and free, to party and be YOUNG.

I found this exhibition empowering and enlightening, the whole museum itself was amazing and this was just a small gem found inside of it, I highly recommend a visit.

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