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Book: Art by Film Directors

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Upon my visit to library to get more information and inspiration for my contextual studies work, I came across this book in the 20th Century art section. Its a collage of various directors throughout the 20th Century, from Charlie Chapman to Jan Svankmajer -- and depicts their art related to their films or by self creation.

I admit I am no good at knowing many directors, though some names and works popped out to me, works that I recognised and felt intrigued by. You can defiantly see the repeated style of various directors, the kind of works that inspire them and of which they express in their film work.

I found the book enlightening and interesting, I was eager to see the various styles and the process of the films that I have and haven't seen and I was surprised as how similar some set dressing and sketch models were to our own BBC 3 projects as well as the combination of digital, traditional and sketchy artworks.

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to any aspiring director or film artist.

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