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BBC 3 Studio Project - Moodboards

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

For our first project with DFTV we had the task of designing a studio for a show on BBC 3, coming up with the concept of an innovative and original set for the production to take place.

The first step I made was to research already existing chat-shows and studio setups, examining their various themes, demographic and use of colours and imagery. I soon discovered that most evening shows were set up as if at 'night', using darker colours and imagery reflective to that of a cityscape, club or a bar, scenes associated with night time activity.

From these I started exploring various ideas, taking concepts that I liked and expanding upon them to create a set of mood boards. Within group discussions, I found my orginal concepts were lacking certain elements that would make them aesthetically pleasing to the demographic given to us (16-35 year olds) and so opted to start combining parts of my mood boards that I felt would suit both the theme I wanted to go with and the audience.

Eventually I came up with the design of a history themed chat/gameshow that uses modern and abstract elements to draw in my audience.

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