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BBC 3 Project - Sketch models

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Once I was happy with my design on paper for my studio, it was time to go 3D and we were introduced to the concept of 'Sketch models', one of the steps to making sure my elements would work in a real setting.

For this I didn't take too much into account in regards to the sizing of objects, just using approximate measurements with help from my to-scale version of myself and using various materials to put together my space.

Sketch model V1

- Walls too high, needs to be 3M

- Think about shape of stage and discussion area, steps, depth and levels

- Camera angles and up close shots? What can be seen?

- Think about sizing and scaling of objects and scenery.

- Colour of walls need rethinking?

Sketch Model V2

- Neater, the tread and the levels feel right

- Viewing from both audience and camera feels better

- Size of door is incorrect, bigger and wider

- Floor space needs to be connected from the discussion area to the presentation area (tree)

- Lighting hanging from the tree/ceiling needs to be lower top be in view of camera

- Plants and foliage to go in the background of stage?

- Colour of floors? Wooden texture floor for preforming area, darker, shiny floor for discussion?

Group discussion

- Need to clarify my theme and my show more using visuals

- Title name needs to be reconsidered? Gives the wrong idea alongside the visuals

- Colours adjusting?

- Potential logo change, not a dinosaur, something more family themed orientated

- Name change = logo change?

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