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Alice Period Project - Visiting Newstead Abbey

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

As part of our future project to create an Alice in Wonderland themed scene, we visiting Newstead abbey, a historic location, exhibition space, museum and a great location for filming.

Whilst we were there we were asked to take into account the current fixtures and hanging elements in the rooms as these are the places we may be able to hang items from in the future. Due to the fact that it is a historic location, there are limitation to what we can do which is an interesting challenge.

- Darker rooms, as too much sunlight may damage paintings, wallpaper etc

- Certain furniture may not be moved due to it's fragility

- Paintings and original works in the abbey may not be touched as our hands contain oily substances that can damage them

- Unable to places more nails, hooks etc into the walls, we must use pre-existing fixtures

We must also think about how the period elements of this old building may be used within the Alice in Wonderland world.

Inspiration drew from the feeling of being a child, I found myself thinking of connecting Alice in Wonderland and this beautiful building to a 'mood.' One element I kept coming back to was the certain feeling and awe I had when I watched films such as 'Return to OZ' That same, creepy, surreal and yet whimsical atmosphere.

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