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Alice in Wonderland Project: Construction

The boxes & scenes

- Scenes were layered together using foam-board to distance each layer

- Two bottom boxes were constructed using off cut wood and bolted together so they would not move in transit or on location

- Top box was constructed using mount board, the box below has a stencil drawn to where the box needs to sit

- Holes are cut in the bottom and back of each box to allow the cables and switches to the lights to feed through

Decorative sides

- Both sides are different in decor, one side is made to look like stacks of books, the other, the pages and illustrations of Alice in Wonderland

- The pages of Alice in wonderland were taken from a copy of the book and pasted to the sides of the boxes using PVA, I tested the locations of the images before deciding to place the pages on first and then my illustrations to match the chapter names on the side.

- When I finished the books and layered them up on the side, they seemed to look a little off, it was suggested to paint in between the books and along the sides in order to age them, this worked better.


- We tested the lighting in different ways, using a single light at the back, lighting throughout the layers of the scenes, combining the two and just plain coloured light.

- The singular light at the back didn't show all the layers as we wished to see it

- Using strip lights in between the layers of the scenes allowed the details, depth and scenes to pop out more

- Combining the strip lights with the main light at the back complimented each other well

- We then used coloured gel to bring that pop of colour out of the boxes, using complimentary colours to join them all together, they also matched the shading of the books on the side.

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