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Alice in Wonderland Project: 3D elements

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Cheshire cat tail: Millie

  • Tasked with creating the 3D Cheshire cat tail coming out from the back of her Cheshire cat box

  • Looked at various ways the Cheshire cat disappears in films and used that for inspiration

  • Separating various parts of the tail/making a 'slinky' tail effect and adding onto that

Book Stacking: Victoria

  • Testing which technique to use to allow the books to look 3D and 'realistic' on the side of the boxes

  • Used a backing for all of them, in the form of strips/solid pieces of card and mount board

  • Used strips of cardboard to try and protrude the books out a bit, too wonky

  • One long strip of cardboard bent and glued down aided this better

  • Pre cutting the waves and folding the edges of card or mount board made it easier to make the waves, but didn't make the books look 3D enough, they looked uneven and un-realistic

  • Used a tighter knit stack of card strips and folded the books closer together using super glue, this effect worked a lot better, but is time consuming?

Boxes: Harry

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