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Model Making: Windows

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

As in previous weeks, creating the windows above we used a template, cutting them out layer by layer and cutting the inner panels first. However, with making the windows, it was a little more difficult as the window frame was very delicate and fiddly to cut out. We made the window twice, the second time, as seen on the images above were a lot neater than the first.

- Take your time when cutting delicate pieces

- To fix broken framework etc, stick down two pieces of masking tape atop each other on the cutting mat and then cut out a strip that matches the broken frame you are wanting to fix, then stick it over the top and back of the broken part to fix into place. Once finished you can use PVA to solidify you whole model

- Don't use completely clear plastic/astatate for window panes, this can cause reflections and glares on camera, use fogged/semi-transparent plastic.

- Like the door, work in layers, stick the plastic to the back followed by the frame and then the detailed/layered elements atop of this

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