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Model Making - Door and wall

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

In model making, we used a template to construct a door that fit into a wall that could also open and close, being able to fit alongside our steel deck made in the previous week.

With the template, it was a lot easier to comprehend and make, working in layers to create the door and measuring the depth between the floor and the door by using the measurements from the previous week.

- Use the ruler to protect the parts of the cutout you want to be neat and safe

- Cut out the inner part of the cutout first

- Whilst cutting the interior, don't cut all the way to the edges, keep the ends clear and once you've cut all around, finish off these corners with a poke of the blade, letting the part DROP out, don't rip it out.

- Working in layers helps to solidify the object you're making

- Wedge a piece of masking tape between the wall and the doorframe to make the hinge

- Different materials may work better for certain parts of the model, e.g. the finer details may be better being made with card or paper, chunkier and heavier items would be better made using mount board or foam board.

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